Library Policies
Internet Use Rules
Personal Devices
Patrons may bring in their laptops, tablets, etc., and use the library’s Wi-Fi. A password is not needed.
Computer Use
Patrons will be required to present their Worthington Jefferson Township Public Library Evergreen Indiana Card at the circulation desk each time they wish to use the computer. Computer access is available to those library patrons who are in good standing with the library.
​The patron is limited to one hour on the computer if there are others waiting.
Access will be granted on a first-serve basis unless the patron has an appointment. Appointments can be made in person or by phone, but the appointment will begin on the hour. If the user is 10 minutes late, then he/she has forfeited their appointment, if there are others waiting.
Please refer to the policies document or ask your librarian if you have any questions.
Code of Conduct
Disruptive Behaviors
You will be asked to change your disruptive behavior if your conduct or activities violate our rules. Disruptive behavior includes but is not limited to:
Possession of alcohol, illegal substances, or a weapon (except law enforcement) anywhere on library property
Abusive, threatening or harassing behavior in any form
Mutilation, defacement, or theft of library materials and equipment or the private property of staff or other visitors
Selling, polling, soliciting, panhandling, or loitering on library property
Intoxication or impairment
Obscene, profane, or abusive language or acts
Use of tobacco products inside the library, outside the library the products may not be used within 15 feet of the entry doors
Strong odors or offensive body hygiene that interfere with or disrupt others from using library space
If you fail to change your behavior, the library staff reserves the right to require anyone who engages in disruptive or destructive behavior to leave the premises.
Please refer to the policies document or ask your librarian if you have any questions.
Library Card
Residents and property owners who pay property taxes in Jefferson Township in Greene County, and White River Valley School Corporation students and employees may have a library card for free.
Children under the age of 18 are required to have a parent or legal guardian present to apply and sign for a library card.
Library Use
The use of the library or any of its services may be denied for due cause. Due cause may include, but is not limited to:
1. Failure to return materials by the date due or to pay penalties associated with overdue or damaged materials;
2. Damage or destruction of library property;
3. Disturbance of other library patrons;
4. Smoking or use of chewing tobacco;
5. Not wearing a shirt or shoes;
6. Using obscene language;
7. Or any other objectionable conduct on library property, as determined by the librarian on duty.
Please refer to the policies document or ask your librarian if you have any questions.
Circulation Rules
Circulation Periods
Books will be checked out for a period of three weeks. There are two renewals per item. They will automatically renew on their due date. If any of them are on hold, they will not renew and you will be charged $.25 per day for each item.
Audio Books will be checked out for a period of two weeks. They each have two renewals. They will automatically renew on their due date. If any of them are on hold, they will not renew and you will be charged $.25 per day for each item.
Music CDs will be checked out for a period of two weeks. They each have one renewal. They will automatically renew on their due date. If any of them are on hold, they will not renew and you will be charged $.25 per day for each item.
DVDs will be checked out for a period of one week. They each have one renewal. They will automatically renew on their due date. If any of them are on hold, they will not renew and you will be charged $.25 per day for each item.
Lost Items
A patron should inform library staff that an item is lost. The replacement cost of the item, the outstanding fines, and a processing fee of $10.00 will be assessed to the patron’s card. A patron is encouraged to notify the library that an item is lost to stop accruing additional overdue fines. Some Evergreen Indiana libraries have contracts with collection services. If collection services are used, a fee for collection services will also be added to the patron’s record. No refund will be given to a patron for a lost item for which a patron has paid. Fines, fees, and third-party collection fees are not refundable.
Please refer to the policies document or ask your librarian if you have any questions.
Room Reservation
Meeting Room
Nonprofit, educational, civic, cultural, or government groups for noncommercial and nonprofit purposes may reserve the meeting room of the library for use.
Those requesting the use of the meeting room must fill out a Meeting Room Reservation Form at least two weeks prior to the date needed.
Please fill out the request form provided and call the library to reserve a room.
Copy Machine
A copy machine is available for public use. The copies will be made by library personnel only. A receipt is available upon request. The charges are as follows for black and white and color copies:
8 ½ x 11 single side $.10 per page Black & White $.25 per page Color
8 ½ x 11 double side $.15 per page Black & White $.35 per page Color
8 ½ x 14 single side $.15 per page Black & White $.30 per page Color
8 ½ x 14 double side $.20 per page Black & White $.40 per page Color
11 x 17 single side $.25 per page Black & White $.35 per page Color
11 x 17 double side $.30 per page Black & White $.45 per page Color
A fax machine is available for the public. The library staff will fax the materials for the patron. The cost is $1.00 for the first page and $.25 for each additional page. If the fax number is toll-free or local, then there will not be a charge. A receipt is available upon request. Individuals that have faxes sent to the library will be charged $.10 per page.
A laminating machine is available for public use. The charges are as follows:
Minimum charge $1.00 8 ½ x 11: $1.50 Per foot: $2.00
Computer workstations are available for the public to use. Please refer to the library’s Internet Policy and Acceptable Use Agreement for specific information regarding the use of the library’s computers. Printouts can be made from the computer with the same charges for printing as for copying.
All services provided by the Worthington Jefferson Township Public Library and its staff are available to all patrons without regard to race, sex, gender, or ethnic origin.
Patrons requesting reconsideration of material in the library’s collection must complete a Request for Reconsideration of Library Materials Form, available from the Director. Requests will be directed to the Board of Trustees for review.
Fax Machine
Laminating Machine
Please refer to the policies document or ask your librarian if you have any questions.
Collection Development
Collection Development
The purpose of a library collection development policy is to provide a guide to all personnel who participate in collection development and to answer questions from library patrons concerning the selection of library materials.
· Responsibility for collection development rests with the Library Director, who operates within a framework of policies adopted by the Worthington Jefferson Township Public Library Board of Trustees. The selection of materials is made based on the needs of the library’s collection, requests of library patrons, and recommendations from patrons and library staff. An attempt is made to maintain a well-rounded collection presenting various, if sometimes controversial, viewpoints in the interest of all patrons.
· Collection development includes the selection of books, periodicals, and other printed materials, audio-visual and other related materials, electronically delivered materials, and other materials deemed necessary for the operation of a public library.
· Careful consideration will be given to the acquisition of materials for collection development according to the following criteria:
A. Cost: The cost of an item shall not be the only consideration but any item, which exceeds an average cost, will be given extra consideration to determine its value to the library.
B. Replacements: The importance and permanent value of an item shall determine whether it shall be replaced.
C. Gift books and donations: Books and other materials are welcomed, but the library reserves the right to make use of all donations as it sees fit. All donations shall become the property of the Worthington Jefferson Township Public Library and will be used in the manner most beneficial to the library, including discarding, selling, or adding the item. At the request of the donor, a memorial item shall be identified with a bookplate listing the donor and the reason for the donation.
· The Worthington Jefferson Township Public Library supports the Library Bill of Rights and Freedom to Read Statements, as presented by the American Library Association.
Please refer to the policies document or ask your librarian if you have any questions.