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Worthington Jefferson Township Public Library
Administration Policy

General Library Objectives

To select, preserve, and administer organized collections of materials, which will promote the education, enrichment, and entertainment of library patrons.

To serve the community of Worthington and Jefferson Township as a center of reliable information.

To support educational, civic, and cultural activities of local groups and organizations.

To provide opportunities for locating information and materials as requested by patrons.

Library Card

Residents and property owners who pay property taxes in Jefferson Township in Greene County, and White River Valley School Corporation students and employees may have a library card for free. Other residents of Indiana may use the library free of charge if the person requesting borrowing privileges holds a valid library card and is in good standing at an Indiana Public Library that participates in a reciprocal borrowing agreement with the Worthington Jefferson Township Public Library. If you live in one of the seven townships in Greene County that do not pay any property taxes to any library, you must purchase a library card in order to check out materials. A fee equal to the minimum required by law will be charged to all persons not meeting the above criteria. The fee varies from year to year.

Children under the age of 18 are required to have a parent or legal guardian present to apply and sign for a library card.

Meeting Room

Nonprofit, educational, civic, cultural, or government groups for noncommercial and nonprofit purposes may reserve the meeting room of the library for use. Those requesting the use of the meeting room must fill out a Meeting Room Reservation Form at least two weeks prior to the date needed. Reservations will be approved once the Library Board of Trustees gives their approval. Any person or group using the library facilities shall be held accountable for damage caused by its use. The meeting room is available only during the hours the library is open to the public. The Board of Trustees must approve any after-hour meetings in advance.

It has been the policy that individuals using the meeting room are not allowed to make any profit. However, library-sponsored educational programs are the exception. The board of trustees will have the final say if a profit can be made.

Library Use

The use of the library or any of its services may be temporarily limited when necessary, as determined by the Board of Trustees or the Library Director.

The use of the library or any of its services may be denied for due cause. Due cause may include, but is not limited to:

1. Failure to return materials by the date due or to pay penalties associated with overdue or damaged materials;
2. Damage or destruction of library property;
3. Disturbance of other library patrons;
4. Smoking or use of chewing tobacco;
5. Not wearing a shirt or shoes;
6. Using obscene language;
7. Or any other objectionable conduct on library property, as determined by the librarian on duty.

The library will endeavor to maintain a balance in its services to all patrons. The library will participate in available resource-sharing networks (Indiana Share, Evergreen Indiana, and SRCS) in order to supplement access to requested materials.

Normal hours of operation for the library are as follows:
Monday and Wednesday 10:00-5:00
Tuesday and Thursday 12:00-8:00 (12:00-6:00 when daylight saving time ends)
Friday 9:00-5:00
Saturday 9:00-1:00
Sunday Closed

The Board of Trustees of the Worthington Jefferson Township Public Library reserves the right to change the library’s hours of operation with little notice, and hours of operation may be temporarily altered due to inclement weather, construction, or other conditions which warrant closing.

The library will be closed on the following holidays:
New Year’s Day, Presidents’ Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Veterans’ Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Year’s Eve

The Worthington Jefferson Township Public Library is a smoke-free, drug-free workplace.


Books will be checked out for 3 weeks. Audio Books and Music CDs will be checked out for 2 weeks. DVDs will be checked out for 1 week.

All items will automatically renew on the due date unless that item is on hold. If on hold, it will not renew. To avoid late fees, the item(s) would need to be returned. Books have 2 renewals, audiobooks have 1 renewal, and DVDs have 1 renewal.

The maximum number of items a patron may have checked out at one time is 100 items. The patron cannot have any more than 10 DVDs checked out at one time.

A fine of $.25 cents per day, per item, will be charged for each day beyond the due date. Borrowing privileges will be suspended once the fine reaches $10.00.

Evergreen Indiana allows a 1 day grace period. If you are late 1 day, you will not have a fine. If you are late the second day, then you will owe for two days.

Current issues of magazines (the latest date of publication) may not be checked out.

Patrons will be held liable for damaged or lost items. Borrowing privileges will be suspended until the patron has reimbursed the library for the replacement cost of the item(s).

Items designated as reference, or otherwise not intended for circulation, are for in-library use only.


A copy machine is available for public use. The copies will be made by library personnel only. A receipt is available upon request. The charges are as follows for black and white and color copies:

8 ½ x 11 single side $.10 per page Black & White $.25 per page Color
8 ½ x 11 double side $.15 per page Black & White $.35 per page Color
8 ½ x 14 single side $.15 per page Black & White $.30 per page Color
8 ½ x 14 double side $.20 per page Black & White $.40 per page Color
11 x 17 single side $.25 per page Black & White $.35 per page Color
11 x 17 double side $.30 per page Black & White $.45 per page Color

A fax machine is available for the public. The library staff will fax the materials for the patron. The cost is $1.00 for the first page and $.25 for each additional page. If the fax number is toll-free or local, then there will not be a charge. A receipt is available upon request. Individuals that have faxes sent to the library will be charged $.10 per page.

A laminating machine is available for public use. The charges are as follows:
Minimum charge $1.00 8 ½ x 11: $1.50 Per foot: $2.00

Computer workstations are available for the public to use. Please refer to the library’s Internet Policy and Acceptable Use Agreement for specific information regarding the use of the library’s computers. Printouts can be made from the computer with the same charges for printing as for copying.

All services provided by the Worthington Jefferson Township Public Library and its staff are available to all patrons without regard to race, sex, gender, or ethnic origin.

Patrons requesting reconsideration of material in the library’s collection must complete a Request for Reconsideration of Library Materials Form, available from the Director. Requests will be directed to the Board of Trustees for review.

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